Saturday, March 15, 2025

CCR #4

 For the last CCR question about what technologies we used for the film opening, I thought back to everything I used, and I realized I was actually able to integrate multiple technologies. This CCR will be answered along with CCR question #2 in the family feud video, I will make this to be when Harvey, the host on Family Feud, asks for options for an answer on the show. 

101 Family Feud Questions and Answers (Classroom-friendly) - College  Transitions

The answer choices that I (the contestant) will provide will relate to the section of the question we are on, either Software, Hardware, or Online Resources. Some of the answer choices will be: 

  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • iPhone 16
  • Music 
  • Blogger 
  • Microsoft Word 
  • External Microphone 
  • YouTube 

This is a super easy question to answer and I think this is a unique way to answer the question. As I talk about each answer choice, images of the product will appear to include examples and research within the CCR. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

CCR #3

I can say with a lot of confidence that my production skills have definitely improved since beginning this project. For this question, I will answer it in a Video Podcast setting, being called "Call Her Envy," and essentially what this podcast is, it's diving into every aspect of this film and this 'episode' will be a special including direct conversation with the director (me!). 

I will explain how I improved in filming, planning, and editing. (Mainly on editing) 

While I still am TERRIBLE at editing, I will say that it has improved since the first time I edited. I remember editing my Sound Project and thinking it was good... it was not. I am so sorry to my teacher who had to hear that. I realized that there was an improvement of my sound editing skills when creating the intro to this podcast. I was more proficient in modifying audio and cutting clips and transitions. Editing hasn't always been my favorite thing, so it was really rewarding to see that I improved throughout this process. Without Adobe Premiere Pro and the very helpful tutorials on the page and YouTube, I would not have been able to improve my skills in the manner that I did. 

Adobe Premiere Pro Integration - Moments Lab
Tutorials on how to edit: HERE

Thursday, March 13, 2025


Personally, I don't like CCRs but a girl's gotta do what a girl has to do to pass. My CCR, which is inspired by the game show, Family Feud, and answering the question of "How does your project engage with audiences and how could it be distributed as a real media text?" 

During this CCR video, I will have a host (probably my father) ask a series of questions that will correlate with my film opening, and one of the questions will be how does my project engage with the audience, and how could it be distributed. As I answer that question in the role of a contestant, a variety of clips of my film and research I have conducted will appear throughout. This research will further support my reasoning. 

In relation to how I will distribute my film as a real media text, I will include various research options about film festivals I would like to submit my work to and the social media platforms we plan on using to distribute my film, Crimson Envy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting!!

We finally had our second group meeting. I find these to be very helpful and beneficial because they introduce me to new perspectives and ideas based on my film opening. 

However, during this group meeting, we focused on our CCRs, the majority of us had a clear idea of what we were gonna talk about in our CCRs regarding the questions asked.  But the problem was what we were going to do to make our CCRs creative and not just a talking head video. I struggled a lot to develop some creative ideas for my CCrs, but at last I was able to come up with an idea of making my CCR like a game show inspired by Family Feud, where when they ring an answer it corresponds to the CCR questions. 

For my second CCR, I decided to do a podcast, I am currently in between making it a video podcast or a simple audio one. I think that a video podcast would be a better choice, especially since I can make it more creative and engaging. I spoke about this idea with some of the members in my group and they seemed to like it. 

I really enjoy having group meetings, they help me a lot in thinking clearer, seeing others' ideas, and receiving comments about mine. I had a really good group this time and below includes a couple pictures of our group doing everything BUT taking a normal picture!! 

Sunday, March 9, 2025


 It is time to start editing all the clips for the second half of the opening. I am not the most fond of editing, personally, I am just not good at it and find it very tricky. Miranda is a big help in the editing process. After we have rewatched all the shots we took, we had to make our decision for which ones would make it into our opening. It is hard since most clips are very similar of the same shot with slight differences.

After deciding which to include, all the clips were uploaded and inserted in the order they would appear in the film. Since the first scene is being finished filmed next week, we do not have all the clips put in. In the picture below, you will see a portion of the clips and their length in the film, a lot of these shots have two potential clips that will later be compared to decide which works best for the plot and meaning of our film. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Production Day 2

The actual process of shooting required us breaking an egg. Our first plan was for a vase to break down and shatter. We would have needed to clean the glass from the floor to do so successfully. We may have tripped on it or Miranda's dog might have eaten it if we hadn't thoroughly cleaned everything. Breaking one of the vases wouldn't be the safest choice for filming so we decided to smash a egg.  

The price of eggs is increasing so we were only allowed to break one egg. To get the perfect shot, we filmed one scene from two different angles at the same time. One of the angles is of the egg falling onto the camera lens. That shot might not be used in the final project, but we thought it would be a good idea to include if possible. 

The egg produced the same effect we wanted with the vase, which is that when the new character, Jess, rings the doorbell and arrives, something goes wrong and breaks. This would show how Jess's arrival instantly results in a negative event, creating an eerie or suspicious tone. This relates to the opening scene of our film, which shows Sofia and Luke, the main characters, being stalked or watched by someone, creating the same eerie and suspicious tone.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Production day one!

Today we filmed the second half of the opening to be able to use pictures from this day to incorporate into the board in the first scene, we brought our friend Sophia Moreau along to assist us with lighting and other details because she has more experience in this area from her time in CBTV, Cypress Bay's television class. Filming was a really enjoyable and stress-free process. Our actors were very easy to work with and gave it their all during the process.

The filming process took almost 4 hours, this was because there were times when our actors would laugh, stutter, or forget their lines. Or we could change the direction we filmed to get various shots. All the shots we needed for this half of the opening were able to be filmed and I would say it was a pretty successful filming day. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Production Process: SHOT LIST!!

 Detective Board Scene - 

  • Tracking shot on hand placing first picture.
  • Close up of the picture
  • Dutch angle of another item being pinned 
  • Fast paced close up shots of various pictures and memorabilia 
  • Tracking shot of the red string around the board. 
  • Slow Zoom out to a long shot of the board. 

Inside the house- 

  • Two shot  of the couple in bed 
  • close up of alarm ringing 
  • medium shot of waking up and out of bed 
  • medium shot in the kitchen 
  • close up of the cooking 
  • two shots of the couple cooking 
  • over the shoulder shot of a vase falling (the couple seen in the back) 
  • the camera pans over to the door 

At the door- 

  • Over the shoulder shot once the door opens 
  • Shot/ Counter shot during dialogue 
  • Long shot of outside the house, seeing Jess at the door talking to Sofia 
  • Medium shot of Luke walking in 
  • Two shot of Sofia and Luke 
  • Close up of Jess 
  • Medium shot of door closing 
  • Medium shot of Sofia and Luke 
  • Zoom in close up of Luke's worried face 

CCR #4

 For the last CCR question about what technologies we used for the film opening, I thought back to everything I used, and I realized I was a...