Thursday, March 13, 2025


Personally, I don't like CCRs but a girl's gotta do what a girl has to do to pass. My CCR, which is inspired by the game show, Family Feud, and answering the question of "How does your project engage with audiences and how could it be distributed as a real media text?" 

During this CCR video, I will have a host (probably my father) ask a series of questions that will correlate with my film opening, and one of the questions will be how does my project engage with the audience, and how could it be distributed. As I answer that question in the role of a contestant, a variety of clips of my film and research I have conducted will appear throughout. This research will further support my reasoning. 

In relation to how I will distribute my film as a real media text, I will include various research options about film festivals I would like to submit my work to and the social media platforms we plan on using to distribute my film, Crimson Envy.

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CCR #4

 For the last CCR question about what technologies we used for the film opening, I thought back to everything I used, and I realized I was a...